Spring Garden Church: The Next Step
This past Thursday (September 22), the members at Spring Garden gave the go-ahead to launch into a $3-million capital campaign. The vision for this campaign is to make some renovations and expansions to the churhc that will allow us to better minister within the church and out into the community. Some proposed additions include a gymnasium, extra meeting rooms, a larger fellowship room and larger youth room as well. Exciting stuff! The church wants to hear from EVERYONE, so feel free to provide your input. But, as this is the prayer blog, I think this is something we can all be praying about! One image that came out of the discussion was of the Israelites standing before the Red Sea, expectantly waiting for God to deliver them. In a sense, Spring Garden is in a similar stage. Pray about exactly what shape the campaign will take, as well as getting a good start to fundraising, that people would give generously as they feel led.
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